Friday, 30 August 2013

Chapter er....10? Beyond the Banks Of Bywater.

Yesterday had been terrible for Dimple after all, the shelf above the pantry had finally given in to the weight on top of it. The jars and bottles on that shelf all lay on the floor either broken or spilled. It was a miserable mess. Dimple was in charge of cleaning it up to her mother’s expectations. It took all day yesterday inside scrubbing the floor and sorting through the jars to see which were broken and those that were not. The task never seemed to end,” Scrub this, mop that, wash this, you missed a spot!” were all ringing in her ears like clanging bells. By the time she crawled into bed her hands were bright red from scrubbing and her arms ached. The thought of the pleasant smiling morning seemed to mock her. And all thoughts of pleasure and joy had abandoned her mind.
But today life started afresh again! Another glorious spring morning arose from the night making Dimple wonder if the pantry incidence had only been a nightmare. But no, there was no more tunnel, only a wall with a trunk on the floor where it used to be. Dimple smiled anyway she knew somebody who would probably enjoy her tale of woe and misery, somebody who usually enjoyed stories and yarns. Valliserrire Avalon. She worked at The Green Dragon when she got bored, which was rather often. So dimple knew where to look for her. Dimple decided it wold probably be best to run up to the Fairbairn’s home to see how Rosa and Orangeblossom were. She was running up the well-travelled road to Hobbiton before the sun had crept much higher in the sky. “Today will be a better day than yesterday!” She resolved. “In fact, I will make it the best day of my existence!”  Then she saw Starfell. The dragon was sitting under a huge tree by the side of the road. “Hello Miss Millstone.” He said in a smooth voice, it was not a voice you would expected out of his species, it startled Dimple. “And a fair morning to you too kind dragon!” she said in the most off-hand voice she had. Starfell let out an exasperated sighed, “Miss. Millstone is that all you have to say? You seem not to care about much of anything other than your stomach and your friends.” Dimple stopped and glared at the dragon, “Have I need to be concerned about anything else? Mr Starfell! This is the Shire! Nothing bad can happen here... Well at least not now everything is safe and peaceful.” Starfell lifted his head and looked at the sky as if trying to get help from a higher source. “Miss. Millstone, You are being watched.” Starfell began with another sigh. “He is a hobbit like all the rest, only I do not think his intentions are quite in your favour. If you have any sense Miss. Millstone you will watch your back. But I seriously doubt you will heed my warning! You are such a foolish young Halfling.”

Dimple just stared at the white dragon. He is a dragon, and dragons are bad… so maybe I should ignore him… then again why would he warn me if he were evil? Dimple shrugged, He probably wants something from me… “Well Mr Starfell sir, do you mind if I continue on my way? The day is passing and I have things to do.”   Starfell grunted and moved out from under the tree, “Do as you please Miss. Millstone! I told you what I was supposed to do! You can leave it or take it! It is your own choice!” And with that he took a graceful leap into the air and blended perfectly with a passing cloud.  Dimple smirked, what is his deal? He must think we are unprotected and stupid! Dimple skipped down the road again… laughing to herself Well, I suppose some of us are—like Durrey…

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